“Only Love"

Only LOVE!

Have you ever been called an old tree, felt compelled to touch the bark, lay your head against the trunk? To feel with your open senses and your own wild heart what the tree wants to you know?

There is such wisdom in all Nature. Our ancestors took this for red, but then they were not so distracted or living such a fast chaotic life.

Indigenous people believe that connecting to Nature is the way back to Spirit and to yourself. When we connect with the pure essence of who we are and why we are here we enter into wholeness. We begin to wake up and see thinks as they are, in the simplest of ways. We remove the noise and we can finally hear. As the quote says ‘the Earth has music for those that listen.’  The choice to listen, to really hear, starts with you.

I invite you to take a moment, to place your hands on a tree close by and breathe deeply. Just listen. Be with the tree and be open to see what unfolds. Through your heart sense, Feel the LOVE that the natural world has for you, perhaps you'd like to reciprocate and show some love too!

There is no separation, only oneness, only wholeness, only LOVE!

Fleur xx



“Sorry Tony, We’re Breaking Up!"