Mother Earths Magic

I’m not feeling well today, I’m on antibiotics with an ouchy infection. I’ve also had a rubbish nights sleep and I look terrible but just 20 minutes sat outside in my own back garden is just what I needed to feel better. 

It’s funny isn’t it?  When you’re poorly you regress back to childhood, when you needed to be cared for and looked after by your ‘mummy’.  I’m lucky that my own lovely mum is still around but my other mother, Mother Earth also cares too.  There have been many times in my life when she’s been there for me - she’s wiped away the anguished tears of youth with her soft cleansing raindrops, she’s given me support and stability whilst I’ve beaten the ground in anger or lent against a tree when my world was uncertain and unsafe. Just at the moment I’ve wanted to give up, give in and I’ve lost all faith in myself she’s shown me a rainbow - dad’s sign.

Being in Nature, sharing my indecisions, my problems and also my joy with the more than human world is part of who I am. Taking the time to do this, to connect every day, no matter how short, is life changing. Natures power to heal, nurture and nourish, all without judgement is pure magic. 

If you’d like to experience some magic join us at Nature Escapes on a weekend retreat or a guided Forest Bathing walk and see how Mother Earth can support you.



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