From the Heart....

Photo credit : Ali Ford Photography

I love this picture

When I saw it I couldn’t take my eyes off it…
What did I see? 
The child in me, the woman in me
Silent, still, peaceful, free 

This is what ‘at home’ is

When you are in nature
You are with nature
When you are with nature
you are in a relationship with nature
A relationship like you have with a person

But this relationship is different 

Nature doesn’t ask anything from you…

She is patient, loving, nurturing, grounding, freeing, always kind, always dependable
She doesn’t judge

Nature has no care for past mistakes or future worries
She listens intently
Holds you gently
And reminds you, like every blade of grass, every leaf, every flower, you are growing…

You are unique, one of a kind…

You see the truth is…You ARE nature

No divide 
No separation

She is your mother
Every sky, every star
She will show you who you really are

Be gentle
Be still 

Breathe in 
Breathe out

Open your eyes to what’s real

Breathe in
Breathe out

Every previous life giving breath

Give thanks for this moment
Love your one life
From the heart



Bridging the Divide, the Sycamore Gap


The catapillar that can stop time